Neoperl water-saving products are an increasingly popular choice around the world. Below is a selection of tenders and case studies with Neoperl involvement.
While saving your money on your municipality bills
By saving you water/sewage costs & electricity costs
And making you feel good knowing that you are part of the solution.
Follow these simple tips to conserve water, the easy way.
Repair a dripping tap immediately.
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.
Swop a full bath for a quick shower.
Shower for 5 minutes or less with a water saving showerhead and collect shower water in a bucket to reuse in the toilet if possible.
Always turn off water while shampooing and soaping.
Use 2-3 liters of water for liquid flushing on traditional toilets - Convert traditional toilet cisterns with a toilet weight to demand flush for optimal water usage.
Only use washing machine when it is fully loaded ( i.e that is the size of a fist left to spare)
Only use your dishwasher when it is full.
Water plants and gardens with drip irrigation using 90% less water - Alternatively only water your garden early morning or late evening to avoid loss through evaporation.
Neoperl water-saving products are an increasingly popular choice around the world. Below is a selection of tenders and case studies with Neoperl involvement.
Time you have spent on
million liters of water
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